How to Speak More Clearly

Would you like to improve your pronunciation, articulation and speak more clearly? Here are a few things you can to do to improve your oration and sound more professional.

1. Fix your breathing! 

Make sure that you are taking deep and relaxed breaths. This may sound basic and easy but if you are someone that gets nervous when speaking, this is your first step! Especially for those who have to speak in front of a lot of people often.

2. Sit or stand up straight.

Once again, this helps your breathing. It also boosts your confidence and allows you to project your voice.

3. Speak Slower.

No need to try and speak quickly all the time. Do not be afraid to slow down your speech, take pauses, breathe and let your message flow.

4. Warm up your mouth.

Before performing, do vocal exercises. This will help you improve your pronunciation and enunciation. Why not throw some voice exercises while as well. That way you will have access to your complete vocal power!

5. Copy somebody. 

Use YouTube, social media or your favorite films and series to practice speaking. Watch and listen to how your favorite influencers, celebrities and actors speak and try to imitate them. This is a great way to practice speaking if you are not taking classes or going to language exchanges.

6. Read out loud.

If you have had classes or coaching sessions with me, you know that I make people read out loud. I do this because I have noticed that people often have a hard time reading out loud. 

I have the suspicion that some of the mental frustrations that arise while reading are related to frustration around speaking. 

So, grab a book and start reading out loud. Slowly, while taking sufficient breaths and pausing!

7. Like, don’t uh, use like, you know, filler words.

Basically, filler words are not necessary. Embrace silence and pause between your sentences when expressing your thoughts. There is no need to use words such as like, um, eh, you know and all the rest of the filler words out there. 

8. Speech classes are always great.

Take a speech class or watch related content to learn some public speaking skills. We could all benefit from that!

9. Get help!

Did you find this information helpful? Here are 26 other exercises and tips that will take you speaking skills to another level.

If you would like to boost your speaking skills, do not be afraid to ask for help. Language coaches like myself are here to support you in achieving your learning goals. Message me if you are interested in learning how I can help you improve your verbal communication skills.


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