Welcome to the SWP Blog where you will find helpful coaching tips for your English, the latest information about the SWP Podcast and interesting articles about my creative journey.

As I am always looking to express, connect and explore, definitely reach out to me with any feedback you may have regarding my content or interest in collaborating on some creative projects. I look forward to hearing from you!








As a creator and educator, I am on a journey. Constantly learning, exploring new things and meeting new people. My ambition drives me to always push for progress. Whether it be related to my personal life, my creative projects or my coaching. Follow me down this road called life and let’s see where we go.

I created this blog because I want to put all my creative work in one place. Having a blog helps me to organize my thoughts and standardize my communication throughout all my channels. It also makes it easier for you to get to know me and what I do. So if you are here, nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by.

As my goal is to reach out and connect with others, I do not want this to be a one way conversation. I invite you to share your constructive feedback about my content. I want you to contact me if you need help improving your communication skills or if you are interested in working together. Let’s get in touch.

My goals are to grow my website traffic and get people to my blog page. The articles I write for English learners are insightful and are based off of my communication coaching. I also love to shout out other creators and educators, as well as spreading light to those which are having great impact.

