Job Interview Preparation: Key Pointers

These are six basic but crucial steps you should be taking when preparing for your important job interviews. Following these steps are sure to make you more memorable and better able to demonstrate your worthiness of the position you want.

1. Do your research! Be completely familiar with the job description, it's requirements and the company's related expectations. Also, be informed on recent company news, updates, projects, services, products, clients, marketing, competition, people culture etc.

This will help you respond to the interviewer's questions, making you able to better describe your experience in relation to the job position. Additionally, it will help you ask smart questions.

2. Start with a bang!

Want to make a good first impression on your interviewer? Make sure that your introduction includes who you are, what you do, what your intentions are in relation to the position you are applying for and why you are the right person for the job!

And be sure to smile, show confidence and be personable when you are speaking. This is a sure way to start the interview off strongly and positively, leaving a great first impression on your interviewer!

3. Be memorable

Tell them a story that they cannot forget. Starting with your introduction. Then, state your intentions. Next, your value proposition. After, concrete examples of your soft / hard skills. And finally, your prepared questions towards the end of the interview. This entire interaction provides a space for you to tell winning a story. Make sure it's one about how you are the best candidate for the job!

4. Give great examples. Saying that you are responsible, a team player, open, and a leader is boring! Instead, provide concrete examples that display your soft skills.

Think about previous situations where you performed well, improved your abilities or helped one of your colleagues. Think about your achievements, the difficulties you have over come and the value you brought to your previous or current employer.

Use those situations as concrete examples that show your skills in relation to the position you are applying for.

5. Ask smart questions

I do not know how many times I have to remind my clients and students to prepare thoughtful questions to ask during their interviews.

This is a sure way to leave a great impression on your interviewer. Asking questions about the the position, expectations, goals, projects, company vision etc reveals your interest and makes you seem engaged. It's also a great way for you to find out key information you were unable to find before the meeting!

6. Be confident and personable

Before you go into your interview, be sure to do your research, prepare your mission statement, questions, responses and then rehearse! Go over your notes and practice what you want to say over and over again until you have it well memorized.

Once you can run through your presentation without checking your notes, rehearse while looking in the mirror or recording yourself. This well give you an idea of how you sound and look, showing you what you need to improve.

Make small adjustments and improve your speech. Try to be natural and be confident in who you are, what you have to say and your ability to do the job!

If you would like to improve your job interview skills and feel more confident speaking English, contact me and learn how my coaching can increase your chances of getting the job you want or check out my course on job interview preparation.


Get Ready for Your Meeting!


How to Speak with More Confidence