How to Speak with More Confidence

Want to become a more confident speaker? Both native and non-native English speakers can suffer from low speaking confidence. Here are a few things anyone can do to improve their speaking confidence.

1. Get used to using English (English Learners)

Integrate English into your life as much as possible and in ways that relate to your learning goals. Movies, series, podcast, language exchanges and reading are all good options. These are low pressure situations that you can use as practice and to slowly build your confidence.

2. Think in English (English Learners)

This may sound strange but take a few moments in the day to think about what you are doing in English. The more you think you think in English, the less friction your brain will experience when it comes time to speak.

3. Be positive

Work on removing negative thoughts about your level, your accent and what you believe people think about you when speak in English.

4. Check your attitude

Assume a positive attitude towards learning English and improving your level. Avoid thinking negatively about your progress and avoid negative self talk.

5. Everybody makes mistakes

Relieve the pressure and shame of making mistakes. No one speaks perfectly, not even native speakers. Become okay with making mistakes, it's a part of learning.

6. Think less about yourself when speaking

Being highly self conscious does not help our performance. When speaking in English, limit how much you focus on yourself and focus more on the message you want to give and those you are speaking with.

7. Focus on improvement

Instead of only thinking about the mistakes you make and what you believe you are not good at, think about what you have improved. Think about what you want to improve and acknowledge your progress as you make it.

8. Kill the comparisons

Instead of negatively comparing yourself to others, focus more on your own self improvement. If you know someone who speaks well, ask them how they achieved their performance or ask them for some advice.

9. Work with a coach

If you are an intermediate or advance speaker and you want to push your speaking skills to the next level, work with a language coach. They are people who can help you define specific improvement goals and give you a strategy to reach them!

If you are interested in becoming a more confident speaker, check out this article to learn how you can start improving your speaking confidence.

For more information or help improving your speaking skills, contact me.


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